The moving bed channel is intended for the study of free surface flows with an unstable bottom. These flows, present in nature (river, torrent, river) are subject to complex physical phenomena that the theory can not explain alone. Their practical visualization through the use of models remains irreplaceable. The moving bed channel has been designed to fulfill this educational task. The moving bed channel exists in two versions : EH330 with a two meter channel and EH331 with a four meter channel.
The installation comprises a test vein supported at each of its ends by a reservoir. The sand simulating the unstable bed of the flow is arranged on the bottom of the channel. Once filled with water, the whole is animated by a centrifugal pump. A solenoid valve controlled from a control box regulates the flow. This flow rate is measured with a propeller flowmeter. Direct reading on control box. The downstream reservoir includes a settling zone designed for sand recovery, as well as a weir used for the adjustment of the water level in the vein. The diffuser and the stilling grid of the upstream tank homogenize the flow. The flow level combination allows all ranges of speed control.
A limnimeter moving along the 3 axes of space allows accurate measurement of the bottom of the flow over the entire surface of the test vein.